Barcode Registration barcodes-database-final-image-cropped

If you purchase Barcode Registration, you will be able to register your barcode number and product information on the International Barcodes Database (information registered on that database filters through to several other major online databases as well). Please enter your barcode number(s) in the “additional information” section on the checkout page. Once we receive your order, we will email you to request proof of ownership (so that we can verify that you are the owner of your barcode number). We will then activate your barcode number for registration, and provide you with instructions on how to register your barcode number (please note that Registration is included for free if you purchase one of our Barcode Packages).              

Quantity Price per registration (FCFA)
1 10,000 each
2+ 8,000 each
5+ 7,000 each
10+ 6,500 each
20+ 5,000 each
30+ 4,000 each
50+ 3,000 each
75+ 2,500 each
100+ 2,000 each



Barcode Registration


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